
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

tell me a story

let me close my eyes
and tell me a story
let me listen to your voice
let me be taken
away from here
away from now

i need the distraction
i need the feeling
of being somewhere
other than here
other than now

it doesnt matter the story
you can make it up
as you go along
or tell me something
you heard
long ago

may it be simple
may it be complex
may it be anything
may it be a fairy tale
one conjured by you
by your own daydreams
of being
not here
not now

lost in your voice
lost in your words
i wish to be
softly carried
on a cloud of imagination
to a different land
different from here
different from now

it doesnt have to be
a long story
a long trip
it just has to be one
so i may forget
right here
right now




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